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  1. Want to start your journey? below are low cost 3D Printers to get you started.
  2. to see (beginner) 3D Printers: Click here!
Want to make money 3D printing? here at flashprint we connect users to (host) that own printers. By owning one you can print for pay with users in your community!.

The future of print tech

  • 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, has the potential to democratize the production of goods, from food to medical supplies, to great coral reefs. In the future, 3D printing machines could make their way into homes, businesses, disaster sites, and even outer space.
  • 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, has the potential to democratize the production of goods, from food to medical supplies, to great coral reefs. In the future, 3D printing machines could make their way into homes, businesses, disaster sites, and even outer space.

Not only is 3D printing becoming faster and producing larger products, but scientists are coming up with innovative ways to print and are creating stronger materials, sometimes mixing multiple materials in the same product.

Experts predict the largest industry leaps will happen in the technology facilitating additive manufacturing. Printers will likely become even faster, meaning they'll be able to work on larger, industrial types of projects. In the photo above you can see printer technology being used in construction, this is the future and we hope you join us here on